James Young - Fine Art: Painting, Illustration, Design & Drawing


James Young holds a B.F.A. in fine art from the Corcoran College of Art + Design. An active professional designer and artist, he lives with his wife and three children in Oregon.
  • To find out more about James' work in web and graphic design consulting please visit: www.jydesign.com

Excerpts From the 1992 Exhibit Catalog
"New Talent: Works by James Young"

McLean Project for the Arts, VA
Written by Curator-in-residence Andréa Pollan, Emerson Gallery

"...His intimate witty object-paintings reveal an artist/anti-hero's self consciousness as he questions the nature of a young artist's identity, creativity and position in society. Young merges the crafts of painting, drawing and sculpture in these theatrical vignettes... Young has the ability to develop peculiar narratives which blend dark humor with compromised innocence.

...Young depicts his characters androgynously. In "Slow Dance" gender distinctions blur, and socializing becomes puppet-like. He also hangs many of his figures from their suspenders referring obliquely to the outside forces and expectations which control the individual.

Influences: Philip Guston, Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, Balthus, Caravaggio, Andrew Wyeth, Odd Nerdrum, HR Giger & many others...

Self portrait
Self Portrait w. Cats - oil on panel